visualization of my prestigious experience at Amal

Muzammil Ali
3 min readJun 11, 2021


My friend introducing Amal Academy to me.

“Friends make the world beautiful”

Yazda, one of my coaching center friend I met him almost 3 months ago, he introduces me to Amal academy and that’s how it starts.

I remember well the starting weeks of the Amal fellowship, I was so surprised and also check my email again and again to get any update from Amal academy, I remember the first email from the Amal after completion of the admission procedure in all guidelines, policies, and detail about program manager was written. I printed out the complete document. before taking part in orientation day at Amal academy I was having a very bad experience with online learning but Amal academy totally changes my perception, when I see 50 + students in zooms and the way our program manager handling and responding us, I felt that at that time we are in our physical session.

Before joining Amal I was like a withered plant, I was a boy who doesn’t know the purpose of his life and doesn’t have any plan and because of this type of life, I was getting frustrated every day and losing hope.

A picture of my plant three 4th month ago

The starting weeks of the Amal fellowship were so interactive and effective, Amal offers course-related self-discovery, which gives me a chance to explore myself, through this course I start working on myself and start thinking about my dots and then work on connecting it. Exploring values for ourselves is one of the best things that I learned from Amal academy, it helps me to built values for my life and to organized my plans and action.

values are just beliefs but principles are what decided our behavior and action.

My plant at this time

By going through a different course of self-discovery, I learned so many new concepts like knowing yourself, exploring traits, exploring strengths and limitations, and a life map.

picture of the life map that we made in our session

During these three months, I am feeling some enhancement in my living styles, my standards, and the most noticeable skills that I enhance during Amal academy is teamwork, problem-solving, and skill to find Khudi.



Muzammil Ali

under graduation in teachers education program, interested course are classroom management, self regulation and curriculum development.