#Teachers Are Superheroes

Muzammil Ali
3 min readApr 9, 2021


Problem statement:
“The teacher is the leader, but unfortunately due to lack of skill and training they are leading our society in unproductive and insufficient way”

Flashback to your school classes, as we all have enjoyed these days but now I will let you all think about that situation.
- Why our classrooms were more likely a daily Eid festival?
- Why we keep talking and discussing different things?
- Why our teacher keeps trying to maintain silence?
- Why wouldn’t be our teachers able to manage classrooms?

These are all questions that we should answer if we want a productive and sufficient product of teaching in our societies.

In the curiosity of finding these answers, I start doing research and collecting data regarded teachers training and classroom management,
A traditional belief regarded classroom management was that learning would always be teacher-centered and it means learning in the classroom is only possible because of the teacher and this belief taught teachers that they are boss in class and all students have to just follow them without raising their ideas, creativity, and skills but unfortunately students in the class are a human being before being students so Almighty Allah has created the human being in a unique manner so we students must have ideas, skills and creativity too but the difference is that teacher are there to nature those skills not to damage that skills.

The picture shows a transformation from the traditional to the modern method

Modern belief says that students are also active participants in the classroom and learning would not be only teacher-centered but it could also be students centered and teacher should consider student and should help students to discover their skills, values, and interest.

It is an urge of the modern era to move toward the modern teaching method so being a student of the Teachers education department Karachi university I found a gap between the need of society and the way of teaching in our school so I decided to launch a mini-course of teachers training, I discussed it with some of my teachers they appreciate my idea and give some interesting ideas regarded to my idea.

So by training teachers, we can get a productive and sufficient result in the form of skillful and creative students that could lead their societies there nation.
Once again, the word superheroes mean a teacher that helps his students to live a healthy and prestigious life and this all will be achieved because of the teacher.



Muzammil Ali

under graduation in teachers education program, interested course are classroom management, self regulation and curriculum development.